Strategic Partners
We are honored to have a strong network of business partners to leverage our expertise and closely collaborate with us on interoperability, quality measures and certification. Take a look at the providers and vendors who trust DHIT, and please contact us if you would like to join our network.
MaxMD was one of the first companies in the nation to complete the EHNAC DTAAP Accreditation program as a HISP, CA and RA. The MaxMD Direct Certificate was one of the first Direct Certificates to be accepted into the DirectTrust Anchor Bundle. This ensures that MaxMD Direct Messages benefit from interoperability with all DirectTrust HISPs.
Through Kno2’s Interoperability as a Service™, common exchange methods including cloud fax, Direct secure messaging using the DirectTrust™ framework, patient information query with providers live on Carequality and other forms of exchange are standardized into simple send and receive workflows from virtually any source. Functionality is available to providers and technology vendors through a simple set of REST-based APIs or through a Kno2 portal.

CQMsolution, ConnectEHR and Dynamic FHIR API were developed with support from Louisiana Economic Development’s Office of Entertainment Industry Development.