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CCDA Implementation-a-Thon II: Chicago

HL7 International, the standard bearer for healthcare information exchange, has kept up its hands-on approach with implementers and developers. One of their newest offerings is a series of Implementation-a-thons for C-CDA. As we did in Orlando, our team traveled to…

HIMSS ’16 Las Vegas: Key takeaways

As the HIMSS Conference continues its growth, there is risk that attendees will lose the signal in the noise. But the event continues to defy expectations by delivering both volume and value (to borrow a popular healthcare line). Held this…

FHIR Orlando: Getting up to code

FHIR Connectathon 11 took place in January 9 and 10 in Orlando, FL. As with every stop on the FHIR circuit, evidence of steady growth in the standard was in abundance. Look no further than the furious coding that took…