Patient Engagement

Our Patient Portal, ConnectEHR, and Dynamic FHIR API modules are easy to implement and enable you and your customers to meet the patient engagement incentive program objectives


Automated Activation for Patient & Authorized Rep

Email Activation triggered on patient visit

One login for Portal and API

Patient Portal allows multiple patients to be linked to multiple authorized representatives


Timely Access to Data

Notification on data updates & new information

Mobile friendly access to USCDI data

Lab results: radiology, microbiology and more

Multiple languages supported

Dynamic FHIR API facilitates accessing health data on Personal Health Record apps

Secure email

Secure Messaging with Care Team

Secure Messaging provides an easy way for patients to communicate with providers between visits

Direct Secure Message allowing patients to share data with outside care team

  • Combines ease of email with an added layer of security and identity verification
  • Uses Direct Protocol 170.315(h)(1) OR 170.315(h)(2) capabilities
  • You can also use direct to meet the 2015 Edition Cures Update Transition of Care measure 170.315(b)(1)
  • DHIT has partnered with MaxMD to provide certification and complete turnkey solutions

ConnectEHR is our modularly-certified bolt-on software that integrates with MaxMD or any certified HISP for Direct secure messaging

Patient Portal logo

Patient Portal® is an ONC-certified app for easy access to health information, education resources and secure messaging.

CEHRT: 170.315(e)(1,3)

Dynamic FHIR Software

The Dynamic FHIR® API makes EHR data readily available all while securing the data using the HIPPAA-compliant OAuth standard for user authorization.

CEHRT: 170.315(g)(7,9) (g)(10)

ConnectEHR® includes support for USCDI, patient engagement and interoperability goals, including drag-and-drop patient data views, and a host of features to meet ONC Certification.

CEHRT: 170.315(b)(1,7,8)(f)(1,2)

Let us help you with all your patient engagement needs.