2020 Hospital eCQM Reporting

IQR eCQM Requirements 

For 2020 there’s good news:   CMS has reduced the number of eCQMs you can choose from.  In 2019, there were 16, now only 8. Participants must report on 4 CQMs from the list below:


The reporting period continues to be one self-selected quarter of the 2020 calendar year. While you are only required to submit 4 eCQMs, your EHR must be certified for all 8 eCQMs listed above.


More good news!  The Quality Net site has been totally re-done.  Hands-on users report that the new site is much easier to use than the old.


Joint Commission

Here’s a quick overview of eCQM submission for the Joint Commision (TJC):


  • Hospitals are now required to submit via the Direct Data Submission (DDS) platform, which was optional last year.
  • Report for a minimum of one self-selected calendar quarter of data for calendar year 2020
  • Submission deadline for 2020 data is 3/15/2021.  For the 2019 reporting year, the deadline is 3/16/2020.
  • For 2020, TJC is keeping ePC-01 (Elective Delivery) in their eCQM portfolio although this measure has been sunset by CMS.
  • More excitement:  TJC has a new eCQM not included in the IQR list.


ePC-02 (Cesarean Birth)

ePC-02 is a new measure not available under the CMS IQR program.  ePC-02 reports the rate of Cesarean Births among pregnant women who have never delivered a baby before and where the baby presents in a normal position.  So, getting a bit more technical:


Numerator =       Nulliparous women with a term, singleton baby in a vertex position delivered by cesarean birth


Denominator =   Inpatient hospitalizations for nulliparous patients delivered of a live term singleton newborn >= 37 weeks’ gestation



Any DHIT clients interested in reporting ePC-02 should let us know ASAP.