EPs – Steps to MU Incentive Payments
I’ve been reading article after article about Meaningful Use and the difference between the Medicaid and Medicare incentive programs. Much of this data is scattered and not always easy to understand. The…
I’ve been reading article after article about Meaningful Use and the difference between the Medicaid and Medicare incentive programs. Much of this data is scattered and not always easy to understand. The…
Most of us believe that the push towards Electronic Health Records (EHR’s) is a good thing and a necessary step along the road toward making each person’s EHR…
ONC is the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. The Office of the National Coordinator operates within the Office of the Secretary for the U.S.…
A CAH is a critical access hospital. A CAH is a hospital that is certified to receive cost-based reimbursement from Medicare. The reimbursement that CAHs receive is intended…
An EP is an Eligible Professional. Different types of EPs are eligible for the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Unlike eligible hospitals, EPs are not eligible to participate in…
An EHR is an Electronic Health Record. It is an electronic record of patient health information collected over one or more encounters in any healthcare setting. Generally, the…