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HIMSS15 Chicago: Winds of change in Health IT

Conferences are tricky things. They’re exciting, chaotic and thoroughly exhausting. But, when that final session comes to a close, it’s an open question whether meaningful connections are made and objectives are met. It can be all too easy to drown…

Transition of Care documents: Easing the burden

In a recent HITECH Answers post, Meaningful Use expert Jim Tate draws attention to the major stumbling block presented by “Transition of Care” (TOC) requirements. In Stage 2 of Meaningful Use, TOCs became a core requirement. Meeting the measure requires…

What We Learned at FHIR Connect-a-thon 8

Coding away at the FHIR Connect-a-thon Dynamic Health IT was on the scene at FHIR Connectathon 8 in San Antonio. Over two days of furious coding and interfacing, we gained new insight into FHIR’s potential to transform the management and…